The Russian Christmas party went well - lots of friends
and food, I looked down the stairs at one point and couldn't believe the number of people all in my home. Normally I rattle around in here like a dried pea but this was something else. It was wonderful. I had worried about not having enough food, about not getting to speak to everyone I wanted to, about some folks not getting along and about my dogs eating too many 'dropped' bits - all the normal things pre-party.
This is the shoe pile by the front door. Trixie was checking it out for potential treats or bricks of cheese.
Instead, I had Marnie, Jenn, Patrick, and Deena all helping me out in the kitchen. I can't tell you how much they helped.
Jenn has a touch for dough - the vereniki were perfect and I'm sure the legions of babushki were
satisfied and telling each other that Ukrainian
is good enough.
Marnie filled each round, a Chic assembly line as it were.
Deena took the reins for the borscht - she's had my Uncle's borscht years ago and knows what Doukoborscht tastes like. And Patrick was everywhere, mostly cleaning and tidying because he's afraid of me when I'm in the kitchen :)
Once again, Trixie is all about the cheese.
At some point, I realized that I had whatever food I had, and that the rest of it didn't matter.
We took a break, ate some vereniki fresh from the pot with melted butter like we did when I was little, we talked about everything and nothing while we cooked and it was beautiful.
In the kitchen, we talk about those times when it all just falls into place and everyone is just moving like a dance or a play, where it comes together like a song. We had flow that day, people. We had flow.
Then the guests started arriving. The out of towners first - which was perfect as I hadn't seen them all day. Family next - also perfect. I love my family, I'm sure you know that. I get as excited as a kid before Christmas when I'm going to see them, I kid you not. Then my friends.
Friends from every stage of my life in Toronto, people who have witnessed the best
and worst of me and seen me change and lose hair and gain pounds and helped me move and everything else. I must be doing something right.
I'll post the recipes shortly - they (mostly) worked, although we did get creative at a few points!
If you made it to the dinner - thank you for coming!!
If you couldn't, I hope to see you next year!
Thank you.